Candidate Profile 2138

Highly Skilled Fire Technician/Electrician

Fire  >  Installation and Service Sector

Candidate Description
Highly skilled fire Technician/Electrician who has extensive experience across both service, repair and installation of Fire Detection, VESDA and gas suppression systems . Possessing a strong technical knowledge he has advanced level programming skil
Preferred Responsibilities

Service Technician

Testing Technician

Installation Technician

Fire Skills Matrix Yrs of Ind Exp: over 15 yrs
Fire Skills Matrix Yrs of Ind Exp: over 15 yrs
White Card
EWP Ticket
Extinguishing Agent Handling License
Open Registered cabler
NSW Electician - Individual contractor licence
Relocation Preferences

I am willing to relocate for the right opportunity

NSWNSW - OtherWollongong
NSWSydneySydney - South