Candidate Profile 7296

Fire Alarm Technician - Licensed A Grade Electrical Mechanic

Fire  >  Installation and Service Sector

Candidate Description

Fire Alarm Technician - Licensed A Grade Electrical Mechanic with 15 years fire industry experience across installation, testing and service

Preferred Responsibilities

Service Technician

Fire Skills Matrix Yrs of Ind Exp: over 10 under 15 yrs
Fire Skills Matrix Yrs of Ind Exp: over 10 under 15 yrs
White Card
EWP Ticket
Extinguishing Agent Handling License
Open Registered cabler
VIC Licensed Electrician
VIC Electrical Contractors Licence
Relocation Preferences

I am willing to relocate for the right opportunity

VICMelbourneMelbourne - East
VICVIC - OtherBendigo
VICVIC - OtherRest of VIC